

Catch the deluxe version of Other Crap in real time, with all the bells and whistles, here.





Yellow asterisk: funny (maybe). White asterisk: expanded format. Blue asterisk: not mine. No asterisk: it probably sucks.




The Seduction (1982)

The Seduction (1982) is an early stalker movie. Morgan Fairchild is a prominent news anchor, and a photographer decides he loves her, and she must also love him. It starts with him spying on her with long telephoto lenses, then he becomes bold enough to contact her. At this point in history, there were no stalking laws, and the police could do nothing. Eventually, it is up to her to bring him down.

Morgan Fairchild shows everything, albeit briefly in several nude scenes.

IMDb readers say 4.2. There isn't much wrong with the story, although a few plot points are hard to swallow, but the acting was uniformly bad, even earning three Razzie nominations. In fact, some of the line delivery was so bad, I suspect the director was not even there for the filming. Morgan did look very good, and the premise was new in 1982, but now it is just another badly acted movie.



Morgan Fairchild











Dagon (2001)




Raquel Merono



Birgit Bofarull



Macarena Gomez








Today, on this day after the holiday (and I hope everybody survived), we take the Time Machine back to 1977 for "Elsa Fraulein SS." Malisa Longo shows off boobs and a furry frontal in these caps and two wmv clips zipped together.








Notes and collages

The Supernatural Ladies

Anna Falchi in Cemetery Man

In this cult classic, it isn't until the last seconds that the viewer is shown the story's secret. As for Anna Falchi ... wow ...










Natalie Portman, slight see-through



Katie Rees, the Miss Nevada who lost her crown over the pics in this series. Katie is in red.


Selma Blair, slight see-through