Charlie's French cinema nudity site is updated.
Third party videos:
How long ago was it when Britney Spears
was hot, and we went crazy over this film clip of her applying
make-up while flashing a partial see-through? I think I was in
high school. (zipped
One of Goldie Hawn's best nude scenes, probably her very best,
in There's a Girl in My Soup. (zipped
A rarely seen sequence of Brooke Adams in Key Exchange, an
obscure 80s film which has never made it to DVD. (zipped
.mpg) (There is a Brainscan collage in the Encyclopedia)
Here's Hilary Swank's bare bum from The Black Dahlia. (zipped
.avi). The quality is poor because it's one of those "cam
bootleg" thingies, but it beats the hell out of what we had
previously. Here is my review of the film from
The Movie House.
My one-sentence summary: "This film has some
razzle-dazzle and is beautifully filmed and styled, as you'd
expect from De Palma, but it's an unfocused, confusing mess,
and basically no fun."
Movie Reviews:
Yellow asterisk: funny (maybe). White asterisk: expanded format.
Blue asterisk: not mine. No asterisk: it probably sucks.
Devil Angel ("Mo gui tian shi") (1995)
The female lead (Asian superstar Vivian Hsu) and her boyfriend (Franco
Jiang) meet when they are in their late teens, and decide that they will be
together always. They even swear a death pact that they will die together.
When they are older, and still together, stockbroker Jiang invests heavily
without the money to pay, and the market does a dive. Faced with jail, he and
Vivian withdraw all of her money and take a road trip.
After they run out of gas, the stockbroker meets another woman (Yeung Si
Man) on the highway, and receives an indecent proposal to have sex with her
for a huge amount of money. Seems she is a wealthy heiress dying of cancer,
and wants him. He's not interested until a thief takes all of his remaining
money and he eventually ends up in jail for his stock swindles. At that point,
his lover enlists the help of the heiress with their legal problems, and both
lovers move in with her. As you can imagine, this situation gets complicated
in a hurry.
This is the rare Hong Kong category three film to be accorded North
American distribution because it features an interesting plot, some good
acting, and the breasts of international superstar Vivian Hsu. This film is at
least as good as its Hollywood mirror image, Indecent Proposal, and the Devil
Angel script actually makes more sense, at least to me. In Indecent Proposal,
I never quite saw the motivation for Demi Moore to choose Woody Harrelson over
Robert Redford, given that Redford was rich, mannered, attractive, and doted
on her, while Harrelson was a jealous flake. Here, the motivations are much
more believable.
This is a C.
I screened the U.S. release, which has a choice of Mandarin or Cantonese
audio, and burned-in English subtitles. This was probably a mistake on my part
because this release is not a very good transfer and is now out-of-print,
therefore relatively expensive. You'd probably be better off with the Hong
Kong Region 0 version, which is still available new, for less money.
Pat's comments in yellow...
After calling President Bush a tyrant, a donkey and
"the Devil" at the U.N., Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez went to Harlem,
where he called Bush "an alcoholic" and "a sick man with a lot of hang-ups"
who "walks like John Wayne." The tirade had a surprise effect: some of
Bush's most strident critics began defending him. House Democratic Leader
Nancy Pelosi called Chavez an "everyday thug" who abused the privilege of
speaking at the UN, and liberal New York congressman Charles Rangel raged,
"You do not come into my country, my congressional district, and you do not
condemn my president. If there is any criticism of President Bush, it
should be restricted to Americans."
* Turns out Chavez is just another Latino trying to take an American's job; in this case,
Al Franken's.
A survey by the British peace group International
Alert found that 75 percent of Britons believe the world is more violent
than it was 50 years ago and 63 percent think it's getting worse. In fact,
the number of wars worldwide has dropped 40 percent since 1956, and the
average number of deaths per conflict per year fell from 38,000 in 1950 to
600 in 2002. Experts say all the scary, gloom and doom TV coverage of war
and terrorism has convinced people the world is much more dangerous than it
actually is.
* And the only place that's really far more dangerous than it was in 1950
is Britain.
The $36 million Kewadin Shores Indian
Casino and Hotel opened in June in St. Ignace, Michigan, but there's one
tiny problem: it's illegal to gamble in it. Only after the foundation was
laid did the Sault St. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians realize that all but
30 feet of it was on land where the US government doesn't allow gambling.
It includes a 29,000-square-foot casino with 26 tables and 800 slot
machines that nobody can use. The tribal chairman blames his predecessor,
who says his replacement knew about the zoning problem years ago and he
won't take the blame for the screw-up.
* You know, I can kinda see how the Indians lost America.
Keith Richards told Q magazine that he no longer does
drugs because they're not strong enough. He said, "I think the quality's
gone down. All they do is try and take the high out of everything. I
don't like the way drugs now are working on your brain area instead of just
through the blood stream.
* Typical senior citizen! Nothing's as good as it was when he was a kid!