A Murder of Crows
I have covered this before, as has Tuna. It's a contrived and somewhat
flawed, but entertaining little thriller about a man who lies his way into
big trouble.
The premise is fantastic! Cuba Gooding plays a disbarred lawyer who is so
down on his luck that he takes an obscure unpublished novel written by a deceased man and
publishes it as his own. It becomes a monster best seller, and Cuba is in
the catbird seat - for a few weeks, until he is arrested for murder.
It seems that the story he plagiarized includes details of five murders
which could only be known by the police and the killer, and which the police
never made public.
The execution of the film is nowhere near as good as the concept. It has
some irritatingly irrelevant sub-plots and ultimately turns into one of
those "escaped criminal on the lam with only a short time to prove his own
innocence because nobody else believes him" movies.
But I still got a kick out of it.
It was written and directed by Fun House hero Rowdy Herrington, the man who directed
our all-time favorite lovably bad movie, Road House.
Here is a film clip of
Ashley Laurence and Cuba getting it on. Ashley has
almost no IMDb credits between 1999 and 2004, when she seems to resume her
career. I don't know the explanation for that.