As you
undoubtedly know, this
page is way late. Since
I'm going to write the
Tuesday page in just a
couple of hours, I'm
going to do the
following: I will place
only the time-sensitive
material on this page,
and will bump all the
vintage material to
tomorrow's page.
This page will therefore
be short (but good).
TV Recap
As far as I know, based
on the output or lack
thereof of Zorg and
others, there was no
nudity on Masters
of Sex
last night. I'll watch
it in a few minutes and
correct that statement
tomorrow if needed. In
the meantime, you can
get a Lizzy Caplan fix
in Aesthete's
magnificent HD clips
from season one (below).
Stay current
Check Other
Crap for
updates in real time, or
close to it.
and Collages
Miley Cyrus
nearly nude,