
Naked News

Marina Valmont hosted the Entertainment segment on May 5 in 1080hd


Just in passing, the quarantine has caused salons to close, forcing some of the girls to start to go "natural,"  upstairs and down. Shannon Blake, for example


s3e3, 1080hd

Michelle Badillo and Every Heart

Michelle is the lighter-complected woman.

Todas as Mulheres do Mundo

season one in 1080hd

Marina Provezzano, Veronica Debom, Sara Antunes, Mariana Sena and Natasha Jascalevich

Provezzano in episode 3

Debom in episode 5

Antunes in episode 7

Sena in episode 8

Jascalevich in episode 10

s1e1, 720p

Riley Voelkel

Magnifica 70
season three in 1080hd

Simone Spoladorem Julia Gorman,Christina Lago, Bella Camero, Tammy DiCalafiori and others

Spoladore and DeCalafiori in episode 2

Spoladore in episode 5

Spoladore in episode 6

Spoladore in episode 8

Camero in episode 1

Camero in episode 4

Camero in episode 9

Gorman in episode 6

Lago in episode 3


Check Other Crap for updates in real time, or close to it.

The Handmaid's Tale

s2e11, 1920x960

Elisabeth Moss

Continuing with Spanish movies this week:

Living It Up

aka La gran vida (2000)

You don’t need much of an excuse to show Salma Hayek and she looks amazing in Living It Up.

A couple of unidentified strippers show their boobs.


Amanda Page in Gayuma (1995)

Ynez Vernacion in Dama De Noche (1998)

Ynez Vernacion in Pagnanasa (1998)

Patricia Javier in Ang kabit ni Mrs Montero (1999)

Patricia Javier in Unfaithful Wife 2 (1999)

Raven Villanueva in Dos Ekis (2001)

Maui Taylor in Gamitan (2002)

Crooked Hearts

1991, 1080hd

Johnny's comments:

Another 90s update. Crooked Hearts is depressing as hell, there's just more family drama by-the-minute until they finally kill someone off.

Jennifer Jason Leigh film clip (sample below)

Gabriela Carlotto in Quarentena (2020) in 1080hd