TV Recap:
s1e1, 1080hd.New Netflix
series produced by and
starring Will Arnett
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all new stuff for a while,
but for today I have a
couple of redux series.
Capped 100 Women back in
2002, which makes it one
of the very early series I
capped. Rewatching the
movie though, I became
increasingly frustrated
with it's premise as some
nice guy who has no luck
with women all of a sudden
has the affection of two
gorgeous women and he has
to choose one, except one
of the women decides that
she will let him be with
the other one instead of
ruining their friendship.
Ugh, really... There's
other obnoxious things
going on throughout the
movie, which makes me
wonder how I sat through
it back in 2002. Maybe
I've changed, yeah
probably not.
Probably should recap its
predecessor 100 Girls at
some stage.