
Alexander - the Final Cut

Oliver Stone is determined to bleed this film to death. He already caused quite a stir when his so-called unrated director's cut was actually shorter, less violent, and less sexy than the theatrical release. He has now released the "final cut," which is 214 minutes long. It contains about thirty minutes worth of footage which was not in either of the first two versions, and basically he has simply dumped every single filmed scene back into the movie, then re-ordered the scenes to make it more involving. (Theoretically.)

I don't really know how I feel about the epic length and the new footage, because I fast-forwarded through all the scenes I had already seen, so I really didn't get any sense of the whole film in context. It still seems odd that everyone either speaks with an Irish accent (the Greeks) or a Borat accent (all others). But there are two other things which jumped out at me as I watched it:

1. The entire film looks totally artificial. It's all clean and sanitized and perfectly art-decorated and gaily-colored, as if Disney were to create an unthreatening theme ride based on the film, ala "It's A Small World." There is very little grit to it. Everyone has gorgeous teeth. Everything is well-scrubbed. Most scenes look exquisitely beautiful and colorful - far too beautiful to represent life in 320 BC. Whether it is appropriate or not, Oliver Stone sure knows how to get a big, lush, expensive look up there on screen.

2. I don't think there was any more Rosario Dawson nudity in this version of the sex scene, but in case my memory is faulty, I captured the entire four minutes in a film clip, so you can look at it yourself. I think all of this footage was in one or the other of the earlier cuts. (Each of the earlier versions had some footage not in the other, but the theatrical version was  sexier and longer.)

I made some collages, but to be honest it was just me tinkering with the lighting filters. It's the same old stuff you've already seen, but with less of an orange glow to it.

Rosario Dawson




* Yellow asterisk: funny (maybe).

* White asterisk: expanded format.

* Blue asterisk: not mine.

No asterisk: it probably sucks.


Catch the deluxe version of Other Crap in real time, with all the bells and whistles, here.








Drunks (1995) is an ensemble drama based on a play, and is essentially an AA meeting in real time, or nearly so. There is, however, a major sub-plot. One of the regulars is asked to speak. He tells his heartbreaking story and we find that he has two years of sobriety. After he is done, he leaves the meeting, obviously upset, heads straight to a liquor store, and falls off the wagon. When he is thrown out of a bar, he convinces his neighbor, Anna Levine Thomson, to party with him, but she wants some heroin before she will play. The film ends with him at a new AA group, and looking forward to his first consecutive day of sobriety. His story is intercut with everyone else who shares at the meeting, and it is the everyone else portion that elevates this above the usual drugs suck film.

The cast of those who speak at the AA meeting include Amanda Plummer, Parker Posey, Diane Wiest, Faye Dunaway, Lisa Gay Hamilton, Calista Flockhart and many more. Their stories are very typical of what you are likely to hear at an AA meeting. In fact, everything about this film rings true. Many of the stories were improvised, and the acting was amazing. The DVD claims that this is the first film that shows what a 12 step program is really like. I have to disagree there. Clean and Sober did a very good job of the entire subject of alcohol and drug abuse many years before this film, and covered 12 step programs in the process. That is not to say that Drunks is not good.

The big question is, who should see this film? If you wonder what AA is like, this will show you. If you want insight into alcoholism and drug abuse, this will give it. If you are a recovering drunk or addict, this film will be almost as good a reminder as going to a real meeting, but please do both. If you want to see some excellent performances from some top stars, again, this is the film. Lastly, if you wonder if you are a problem drinker, see this film. By the time you have heard all of these stories, you might well have your answer. Anyone who has lived with an alcoholic can personally attest to the accuracy of at least some of the stories. The genre is "drugs suck movies," and this is better than average.

High C.

IMDb readers have this at 6.0.

Some critics got it, others didn't. There was some grumbling about casting comedian Richard Lewis in the lead role. I didn't see his performance as bad, although I could see where some might see humor.




Anna Levine Thomson shows her marvelous breasts trying to convince Richard Lewis to score her some heroin.










My Tutor

Sexy Caren Kaye in her career performance, for which she is still fondly remembered by many.

Caps and several clips.









Tranches de Vie

Eleven sketches that illustrate with more or less brilliance both normal and unusual situations in everyday life.




Catherine Alric



Mary Anne Chazel



Laura Antonelli








Trailer Park Boys: The Movie

Baby mama #1, Valerie Fougere, is the stripper with the light brown hair. The dark haired stripper seated besides her looks a lot like Amy Kerr who played baby mama #2 during season 6. TV show caps below for comparison purposes.

The baby mamas in the movie
The baby mamas in season six of the series
Valerie Fougere: season 6
Amy Kerr: season 6













"Azuloscurocasinegro" es un estado de ánimo, un futuro incierto, un color. Un color que a veces no reconocemos, que dependiendo bajo qué luz, qué prisma y qué actitud se mire, cambia. Un color que nos recuerda que muchas veces nos equivocamos, y a veces las cosas no son del color que las vemos. Jorge (Quim Gutiérrez) ha heredado el trabajo de su padre después de que éste sufriera un infarto cerebral. Sin embargo, lucha contra un destino que parece inevitable. En los últimos años se ha esforzado por hacer su trabajo, cuidar de su padre y estudiar una carrera. Ahora su empeño es encontrar otro trabajo. A través de su hermano Antonio (Antonio de la Torre), conoce a Paula (Marta Etura), con quien entablará una extraña relación que impulsará a Jorge a dejar de sentirse responsable de todo y enfrentarse a sus deseos, obviando lo que los demás esperan de él. Entonces todo podría ser diferente… o no.

Ha ganado:

  • Mejor Actor de Reparto: Antonio de la Torre
  • Mejor Director Novel: Daniel Sánchez-Arévalo
  • Mejor Actor Revelación: Quim Gutiérrez

Nominada a:

  • Mejor Actriz: Marta Etura
  • Mejor Guión Original
  • Mejor Canción Original

Para mi es una gran película y personalmente Marta Etura se merecia haber ganado el Goya porque tiene una actuación espectacular, en resumen una muy buena película.



"Dark blue, almost black" is a mood, an uncertain future, a color that we sometimes do not recognize because its appearance changes depending on the light that strikes it. This opalescent color reminds us that we often do not perceive things precisely as they really are.

Jorge (Quim Gutiérrez)'s father had a stroke, so Jorge inherited the family business. He tries to make it succeed, but seems to be fighting against fate. In recent years he has made an effort to run the business, to take care of his father and also to get his degree. Now his goal is to find a different career. Through his brother he becomes acquainted with Paula (Marta Etura), with whom will he establish a strange relationship that will drive him to stop feeling responsible for everything and start worrying about his own needs. Then everything could be different… or not.


This won Goyas for:

  • Best new actor
  • Best supporting actor
  • Best new director

It was also nominated for:

  • Best actress
  • Best original screenplay
  • Best original song

My opinion is that it is a great film, and I am convinced that Marta Etura deserved her Goya for a spectacular performance.

Eva Pallares

Marta Etura






Notes and collages


...Keanu Reeves destroyed this film for me but Ms. Ryder is hot hot hot...

Winona Ryder








La Lohan in public without a bra and wearing a flimsy top. In other news, dog bites man.

Paris Hilton in public without a bra and with her shirt open. More surprises!

Jennifer Hudson shows off about an acre of cleavage at the Oscar ceremonies.

Film Clip


Jackie Guerrido is one of the co-hosts of Despierto America, which is the Spanish-language alternative to the morning chat shows. Most important, she doesn't seem to believe in underpants. (Clickable preview to the left.)