Scarehouse is a
horror movie where
Corey (Sarah Booth)
and Elaina
Murray) set up a
'scare house' under
the guise that it's
for a sorority party
for a college
sorority that the
girls were once
attempting to become
members of. Corey
and Elaina have
spent two years in
jail for the
accidental death of
a man they were
playing a prank on
to get them into the
sorority and now
they want revenge.
One by one, they
torture, dismember
and attempt to kill
various members of
the sorority that
abandoned them and
left them out to
fend for themselves.
Not much more than
that, which
inevitably means
that the movie is
fairly repetitive,
nasty and boring as
most movies obsessed
with torture usually
are because torture
is boring. It's also
hard to feel much
sympathy for the
killers as they were
stupid enough to go
along with the dumb
prank to begin with.
Probably could've
done with a more
overt sense of
humour, there are
some attempts at
jokes, but not
nearly enough to say
that was the
Inevitably, as with
most 'torture porn',
it's all about the
torture and never
about the story. At
least it
girl-on-girl torture
so we don't have to
hear the cries of
misogyny. Yawn...