Saturday, January 11


2023, 1080hd

Andrea Jimenez Camacho

A Casa da Arvore

2023, 1080hd

Cristiane Wersom

The Last Showgirl

2025, 1080 CAM

Gypsy Wood and others

Gypsy Wood

Manos Ajenas

2023, 1080hd

Darling Lucas and Irma Hermoso Luna


Check Other Crap for updates in real time, or close to it.

The Tattooist of Auschwitz

s1e4, 1920x1080

Anna Prochniak

Half Magic

2018, 1920x800

Angela Kinsey and Heather Graham





Donna Adams and Laureen Clair film clips (see below)



Tuna Retrospective

Many of you remember Tuna, who was the most prolific contributor of images, and the second-most prolific wordsmith during the first 15 years of the Fun House. For those who are not acquainted with him, it's high time you met. Although he passed away before the Blu-Ray age, his DVD captures and collages still hold up as some of the best work that has ever appeared on the internet. Enjoy!

Jill Schoelen in The Stepfather (1987)